Getting Ready for the Fall — and a Great 2023!
Believe it or not, Labor Day is next Monday! I hope you’ve had a relaxing and re-energizing summer. If you are taking an end-of-summer vacation—great. It’s wonderful to spend time with family and friends, with a good book, or traveling to a new place.
In a few days September will be here, and soon we will be back to business as usual. These last days of summer are a great time for reflection as well as for vacation. Now is the perfect time to re-evaluate your business goals and see how far you are from where you want to be. Now is the perfect time to create a business and marketing plan for the rest of the year.
I suggest you take a few hours off to plan for the fall. Make a 1½ to 2 hour appointment with yourself in your calendar and go to a quiet place to work on your business and marketing plan.
Here are some questions to get you thinking and moving ahead:
Looking back over the first eight months of the year, that have you done successfully to increase your business? (For example, cultivating new referral sources, partnering with someone else on listing presentations, working with more highly qualified and serious buyers, creating new marketing strategies, etc.)
Which of these activities do you want to continue and/or expand upon?
What have you thought of doing, but haven’t actually gotten around to doing yet? (For example, expanding your social media presence, updating your database, producing a monthly or quarterly newsletter, contacting past clients and customers, having a client appreciation event, etc.)
Which of these activities do you want to undertake in the next few months?
When will you do them?
Thinking about the rest of the year, what are three ways you can expand your sphere of influence? (For example, by taking a cooking course or language lessons; by joining the board of a non-profit; by calling past clients and customers and asking for referrals, etc.)
What are three ways you can stay in touch with your past clients and customers? (For example, leaving voice mails or sending texts saying “Hi. I was just thinking about you and wanted to say hello…” Or “I was just walking by your condo and noticed your beautiful garden…” or whatever. Other ideas for staying in touch: Getting caught up on client gifts, sending note cards on the anniversary of their closing, stopping by with a bottle of wine, etc.)
How will you build time into your schedule so this actually happens?
Something as simple as making calls to five past clients once a week, or taking a client or referral partner to lunch every other Thursday can produce powerful results.
My coaching tip: Take action now—in September and October—to get ready for a great 2023.
I’d love feedback with any insights and results you’d like to share. As always, feel free to give me a call at (505) 988-5533 if you’d like more personalized support and coaching. I am offering special rates for new clients until October 1st.